How do I estimate the quantity of wedding invitations I need?
When we ask for the quantity, we’re referring to the total number of envelopes you’ll need. A general estimate is about 60% of your guest list, but this may vary based on your specific circumstances. If you plan to send courtesy invitations or have a B-list in case some of your initial guests can’t attend, you may need to increase the quantity. On the other hand, if you're sending digital invitations to a group of guests, the number of envelopes will likely decrease.
The best way to determine the correct quantity is to make a list of the people you're inviting and add a buffer to account for any unexpected changes.
When we ask how many cards you need in a set of invitations, we’re asking about the number of cards that will be included in each envelope.
Typically, this includes:
- 1 big card – the main invitation
- 1 small card – RSVP, and it may also include attire and gift information
- 1 big card – the entourage list
- 1 small card – additional details such as a map, venue illustration, event timeline, or travel information
For more details on the different parts of the invitation, please refer to this blog entry.